Bredon Playgroup

Church Rooms, Bredon, Gloucestershire, GL20 7LG


01684 773536



Children can start Playgroup as soon as they are ready, after their second birthday. To find out if your child is ready we suggest you bring them along to a trial session and have a chat with the Playleader. Please note that your little one does not need to be potty trained to start with us.

When a session has reached its capacity no more children will be admitted to that session until a place becomes available.

A waiting list will be operated when necessary. If places are limited then the following criteria will be considered, in no particular order of preference:

  • children who live in Bredon and intend to go to Bredon Hancock’s school
  • looked after children i.e. social services
  • how long they have been on the waiting list
  • the age of the child
  • whether the child already has a sibling attending playgroup
  • whether the child has any special need and would benefit from extra sessions
  • for pre-school places- priority will be given to those already attending Bredon Playgroup


We charge a fee for each session, which will be billed to you, at the beginning of each term. There will be a nominal charge for materials, although where possible this is covered by fundraising.

Currently free early education places are available from the term following your child’s 3rd birthday. We also accept 2 year old funding if applicable. We will claim these for you from the LEA, if your child is eligible, provided we have received a completed declaration form (you will be given this where applicable). The vouchers are only available for a limited number of sessions in any one term, so during longer terms if your child attends more sessions you will be invoiced for the remainder.