Bredon Playgroup

Church Rooms, Bredon, Gloucestershire, GL20 7LG


01684 773536

Wrap around care

Breakfast club and after playgroup care

We are delighted to announce that we will be working in partnership with Little Big Learners and Bredon Hancock’s school to offer wrap around childcare from September 2019.

Both the breakfast club and after playgroup care will be based in the School House at Bredon Hancock’s school.

Playgroup children will be able to attend from 8am each morning and from 3pm up to 6pm on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

LBL staff will bring your child to Playgroup after breakfast club and collect them from Playgroup if they are attending the after school club.

The cost will be  £4/hour. All bookings are to be made through the LBL online booking system found at their website:

Childcare vouchers are accepted.